
Open Access ISSN 0771-3312 eISSN 2295-8010

Author index

Kobaliwa SC.


Louembé D., Keléké S., Kobaliwa SC., Nzouzi JP.Lactic Acid Bacteria Involved in the Processing of Poto-Poto, a Fermented Maize Dough Congolese (Text in French), p. 3-9.
vol. 21 no 1 - PDF text


Louembé D., Kobaliwa SC., Ekélé S., Diakabana P., Nkoussou Moulassou B.Cassava Roots Retting with Undefinite Starter from Retted Cassava Roots (Text in French), p. 118-124.
vol. 20 no 3 - PDF text