
Open Access ISSN 0771-3312 eISSN 2295-8010

Author index

Rwigema JB.


Rwigema JB., Van den Berghe CH., Mujawayezu AM., Sota P.Interaction between enriched farmyard manure with fertilizers, lime and different phosphorus sources obtained from the phosphatic rock from Matongo on a ferralitic soil from the region of Bututsi (Burundi) (Text in French), p. 61-66.
vol. 11 no 2 - PDF text
Van den Berghe C., Kakana P., Sota P., Rwigema JB.Efficiency of phosphatic rock from Matongo applied in the composting process on potatoes on an acid soil of Rabiro (Text in French), p. 142-146.
vol. 11 no 4 - PDF text