
Open Access ISSN 0771-3312 eISSN 2295-8010

Author index

Ambang Z.


Ambang Z., Akoa A., Bekolo N., Nantia J., Chewachong GM.Resistance to Mosaic Disease of M. glaviozii by Grafting on M. Esculenta (Text in French), p. 8-14.
vol. 27 no 1 - PDF text


Ambang Z., Akoa A., Bekolo N., Nantia J., Nyobe L., Ongono YSB.Tolerance of some Cassava Cultivars (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and the Wild Species (M. Glaziovii) to Cassava Mosaic Virus Disease and Brown Leaf Spot (Text in French), p. 140-145.
vol. 25 no 3 - PDF text


Ambang Z., Omokolo ND., Ouzounov IS.Evaluation of the Efficiency of Bacillus thuringiensis on Larvae and Adults of Andrector ruficornis on Solanum tuberosum plants in Cameroon (Text in French), p. 113-117.
vol. 20 no 3 - PDF text