
Open Access ISSN 0771-3312 eISSN 2295-8010

1985 vol. 3 no 1

Complete issue (PDF)

Bonnier C.25 years Service Overseas (Text in French), p. 1-2.
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Original articles

Rivas A., Buldgen A., Compère R.Phytosociological study of the high andean plateau "Pampa Galeras" (Western Peru) (Text in French), p. 3-13.
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Puffet H.Traditional veterinary medicine in southern Niger (Text in French), p. 14-15.
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Pozy P.Study of carcass composition of Ankole bulls according to weight or age and to duration of fattening period (Text in French), p. 16-19.
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Degand J., D'Haese L., Ndimira PF.Market Economie Analysis of Food Crops in Burundi - Time Serie Analysis of Potato Prices (Text in French), p. 20-25.
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Grégoire L.Reforestration - Algarobeira (Prosopis juliflora) (Text in French), p. 26-29.
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Froment D.The white sapote (Casimiroa edulis La Llave) (Text in French), p. 28-28.
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Ait Chitt M., Gérard M., Maréchal J., Sirjacobs M.The cultivation of medicinal, aromatic and spice plants in South Marocco. Relation to a trip to the regions between Agadir - Marrakech - Ouarzazate and Tata, p. 29-31.
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Frères des HommesRural Development : a view on the campaign in Philippines Islands (Text in French), p. 33-34.
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p. 35-37.
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p. 38-39.
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p. 40-40.
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