
Open Access ISSN 0771-3312 eISSN 2295-8010

Author index

Yerima BPK.


Yerima BPK., Tiamgne YA., Fokou L., Tziemi TCMA., Van Ranst E.Effect of Substrates on Germination and Seedling Emergence of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) at the Yongka Western Highlands Research/Garden Park, Bamenda-Cameroon, p. 91-100.
vol. 33 no 2 - PDF text


Yerima BPK., Tiamgne AY., Van Ranst E.Response of Two Sunflower (Helianthus sp.) Varieties to Poultry Manure Fertilization on a Hapli-Humic Ferralsol at the Yongka Western Highlands Research Garden-Park (YWHRGP) Nkwen-Bamenda, Cameroon, Central Africa (Text in French), p. 168-176.
vol. 32 no 4 - PDF text


Yerima BPK., Van Ranst E., Verdoodt A.Use of Correlation Relationships to Enhance Understanding of Pedogenic Processes and Use Potential of Vertisols and Vertic Inceptisols of the Bale Mountain Area of Ethiopia, p. 223-232.
vol. 27 no 4 - PDF text