
Open Access ISSN 0771-3312 eISSN 2295-8010

Author index

Vermeulen C.


Vermeulen C., Linchant J.Conservation and Anthropization in Central Africa, p. 1-2.
vol. 33 no special - PDF text
Wilmet L., Beudels-Jamar RC., Schwitzer C., Devillers P., Vermeulen C.The Sahamalaza National Park - Radama Island may be the last Shelter for some Species of Lemurs of North-west Madagascar? (Text in French), p. 33-42.
vol. 33 no special - PDF text


Malnoury G., Zoyiem Ngouanet E., Julve Larrubia C., Vermeulen C.Valuation of Wood Residues from Artisanal Logging of Community Forests in Cameroon: Case Study of the Community Forest of Mambioko (GIC CRVC) (Text in French), p. 90-94.
vol. 32 no 2 - PDF text
Moupela C., Vermeulen C., Doucet JL., Daïnou K., Lebailly P.Importance of Coula edulis Baill. for the People of South-East Gabon: Harvest Levels and Economic Potential (Text in French), p. 37-45.
vol. 32 no 1 - PDF text
Semeki Ngabinzeke J., Belani Masamba J., Ntoto M'Vubu R., Vermeulen C.Consumption of Products of Animal Origin in the Forest Concession 039/11 of the SODEFOR to Oshwe (D.R. Congo) (Text in French), p. 147-155.
vol. 32 no 3 - PDF text