
Open Access ISSN 0771-3312 eISSN 2295-8010

Author index

N'Douba V.


Kassi GB., Zeré MG., Stanislas SY., N'Douba V.Feeding Diets of Ctenopoma petherici (Perciformes, Anabantidae) from the Agneby River and from the Hydroelectric Lake Dam of Ayame 2 (Côte d'Ivoire) (Text in French), p. 123-132.
vol. 36 no 1 - PDF text


Bédia AT., N'doua Etilé R., Bi GG., Essetchi Kouamelan P., N'douba V.Growth and Exploitation Parameters of Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus Lecepede, 1803) (Siluriformes, Bagridae) in a Tropical Lagoon: Ebrié lagoon (Potou Lagoon Sector, Ivory Coast) (Text in French), p. 253-261.
vol. 35 no 4 - PDF text


Berté S., Kouamélan EP., Ouattara NI., Koné T., Goore BG., N'Douba V., Kouassi NJ.Reproductive Cycle and Fecondity of Distichodus rostratus (Characiformes, Distichodontidae) in a West African Basin (Bandama River, Ivory Coast) (Text in French), p. 104-107.
vol. 26 no 2 - PDF text
N'Zi GK., Gooré BG., Kouamélan EP., Koné T., N'Douba V., Ollevier F.Environnemental Control of Shrimps Communities Structure along a Small West African Basin- Boubo River- Ivory Coast (Text in French), p. 17-23.
vol. 26 no 1 - PDF text