
Open Access ISSN 0771-3312 eISSN 2295-8010

Author index

N'Da K.


Konan Kouassi S., Kone A., Anet CM., Diaby M., N'Da K.The Ecology of Polynemids: Poydactylus quadrifilis (Cuvier, 1829), Galeoides decadactylus (Bloch, 1795) and Pentanemus quinquarius (Linné, 1758) of the Artisanal Marine Fisheries of Grand Lahou (Ivory Coast) (Text in French), p. 187-193.
vol. 31 no 3 - PDF text


Diaby M., N'Da K., Konan KS.The Fishing of Mugilidae in Grand-lahou Lagoon (Ivory Coast): Analysis of Fishing Organisation, Captures and Fishing Effort (Text in French), p. 173-179.
vol. 30 no 3 - PDF text


N'Guessan CD., N'Da K., Kouassi KD.Survey Compared of the Fishing of Minor Tuna by the Double Dragnets and the Dugouts in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Ivory Coast (Text in French), p. 152-158.
vol. 27 no 3 - PDF text
Soro Y., N'Da K., Koffi KD.Costal Upwelling Impact on the Abundance and Sizes of Blue Marlins (Makaira nigricans, Lacepède, 1802) Captures by Artisans Fishers in the Offing of Ivory Coast (Text in French), p. 205-210.
vol. 27 no 4 - PDF text


N'Da K., Dongo KK., Ya NG.Artisanal Fishing and Marketing of White Grouper (Epinephelus aeneus Geoffroy Saint Hilaire, 1817) in Ivory Coast (Text in French), p. 107-110.
vol. 24 no 2 - PDF text


N'Da K., Otchoumou A., Koffi JC.Diets Based on Papaya and Oocyte Ripening by Achatina fulica (Bowdich, 1820) in Ivory Coast (Text in French), p. 168-172.
vol. 22 no 4 - PDF text