
Open Access ISSN 0771-3312 eISSN 2295-8010

Author index

Faye E.


Sarr SM., Faye E., Diatta A., Djigo CAT.Feeding Behavior of the Dama Mhorr Gazelle (Nanger dama mhorr, Pallas, 1766) in Semi-free Range in the North Ferlo of Ranerou Wildlife Reserve, Senegal (Text in French), p. 80-86.
vol. 36 no 1 - PDF text


Faye E., Diallo H., Samba SAN., Touré MA., Dramé A., Fall B., Lejoly J., Diatta M., Kaïré M., De Cannière C., Mahy G., Bogaert J.Importance of the Harvest Method on the Regeneration of Combretaceae in the Senegalese Groundnut Basin (Text in French), p. 44-52.
vol. 31 no 1 - PDF text