
Open Access ISSN 0771-3312 eISSN 2295-8010

Author index

Abo ME.


Ojehomon VET., Abo ME., Ojehomon O., Ukwungwu MN.Adoption of Recommended Management Practices in the Lowland Rice Ecology of Niger State, Nigeria, p. 82-89.
vol. 24 no 2 - PDF text


Abo ME., Gana AS., Maji AT., Ukwungwu MN., Imolehin ED.The Resistance of Farmers' rice Varieties to Rice Yellow Mottle Virus (RYMV) at Badeggi, Nigeria, p. 100-104.
vol. 23 no 2 - PDF text


Abo ME., Alegbejo MD., Sy AA., Afolabi A.Evidence for Non-Transmission of Rice Yellow Mottle Virus (RYMV) through Rice Seed, p. 116-121.
vol. 22 no 3 - PDF text


Abo ME., Ukwungwu MN., Onasanya A.The Distribution, Incidence, Natural Reservoir Hosts and Insect Vectors of Rice Yellow Mottle Virus (RYMV), Genus Sobemovirus in Northern Nigeria, p. 198-202.
vol. 20 no 4 - PDF text