
Open Access ISSN 0771-3312 eISSN 2295-8010

2017 vol. 35 no 1

Complete issue (PDF)

Mergeai G.Appropriate Technologies: a Solution to the Energy Shortage in Sub-Saharan Africa, p. 1-2.
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Original articles

Sarasin G., Behavana IM., Rakotoarimanga N., Randriatafika F., Ramanankierana H., Rabenantoandro J., Vincelette M., Randrianodiasana J., Khasa DP.Inoculation of Mimosa latispinosa Lam with the Commercial Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus Rhizophagus irregularis DAOM 197198, and Bradyrhizobium spp. Under Nursery Production Conditions in South-East Madagascar, p. 3-11.
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Vognan G., Glin L., Bamba I., Ouattara BM., Nicolay G.Comparative Analysis of the Profitability of Organic, Conventional, and Transgenic Cotton Farming Systems in Burkina Faso (Text in French), p. 12-24.
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Siewe Pougoue EB., Kamajou F., Noula GA.Effects of managerial innovations on agricultural competitiveness: the case of Producer Organizations (POs) of the maize sector (Zea mays L.) funded by the Agricultural Competitiveness Improvement Project (ACAP) in the Western Region, Cameroon (Text in French), p. 25-38.
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Lafontaine M., Olivier A.Intérêt des collectivités pour l'implantation d'arbres nourriciers dans les parcs urbains : le cas de Villa El Salvador, au Pérou (Text in French), p. 39-50.
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Faihun AML., Azando EVB., Attakpa EY., Akouèdegni CG., Hounzangbe-Adote MS.Comparative Study of the Parasitic Load of Small Ruminants and Bushbuck in Four Camps Bordering the Wari-Maro Reserve in the North East of Benin (Text in French), p. 51-60.
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Ayéna AC., Agassounon Djikpo Tchibozo M., Anago E., Ahissou H., Mensah GA., Agbangla C.Vitamins and Minerals Composition in Pterocarpus santalinoides L'Hér. ex De (Papilionoideae) Seeds: a Food and Medicinal Plant of West Africa (Text in French), p. 61-69.
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Royal Academy for Overseas SciencesInternational Conference on Sustainable Energy for Africa, p. 70-70.
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