
Open Access ISSN 0771-3312 eISSN 2295-8010

1998-1999 vol. 16-17 no 3

Complete issue (PDF)

Original articles

Ortiz R., de Cauwer L.Genotype-by-Environment Interaction and Testing Environments for Plantain and Banana (Musa spp. L.) Breeding in West Africa, p. 97-102.
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De Groote H., Traoré O.Optimizing Sample Surveys in Farming Systems Research (Text in French), p. 103-108.
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Guèye M., Samb RI., Nongonierma A.Effect of Goat Digestive Tractus on the Seeds Germination of Zizyphus mauritiana Lam (Text in French), p. 109-112.
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Mehouachi D., Romain RFJ.Supply Response to Risk : The Case of Cereal Sector in the North of Tunisia (Text in French), p. 113-119.
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Zoumenou V., Aboua. F., Gnakri D., Kamenan A.Physical-Chemical Characteristics of some Cassava Traditional Meals (foutou, placali and kokonde) (Text in French), p. 120-126.
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Koudandé OD., Ehouinsou M.Effect of the Density on the Biomass Production on African Giant Snails Archatina marginata in Benin (Text in French), p. 127-129.
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Rutunga V., Kavamahangat F., Nsengimana C.Synthesis of Results on Coffee Agronomy Research in Rwanda on 31 March 1994 (Text in French), p. 130-140.
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Dossa CS., Mensah GA., Dossa AD., Adoun C.Influence of Various Physicochemical Treatments of Mucuna pruriens Seeds on the Nutrient Chemical Composition (Text in French), p. 141-146.
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Ibrahim YM.Rhodeps Grass Evaluation - Evaluation of Rhodes Grass Cultivars under Emirates Conditions, p. 147-149.
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Pohé J.Factors Involved in the Development of Nutfall Due to Phytophthora katsurae in Ivory-Coast, p. 150-153.
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Technical notes

Kapseu C., Puiggali JR., Broto F., Roques M., Nadeau JR.Fans and Resistances Park in Drying Technologies Appropriate for Tropical Environment (Text in French), p. 154-158.
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p. 159-160.
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