
Open Access ISSN 0771-3312 eISSN 2295-8010

1996 vol. 14 no 1

Complete issue (PDF)


p. 1-1.
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Wouters J.Agroforestry - Let us Be Sensible (Text in French), p. 2-3.
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Original articles

Tchoumboue J., Mpoame M., Akamba Ava MDG.Comparative Effects of "Sodivermyl" Baird and the Bark of Combretum sp. in the Treatment of Chicken Nematods (in French) (Text in French), p. 4-5.
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Carême C.Cotton Weeds and Study of a Chemical Cotton Weeding System in Burundi (Text in French), p. 6-12.
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Basabose K.Larvivorous Potential of Different Stages of Culex tigripes (Diptera, Culicidae) in the Prospective of its Use in Biological Control of Malaria Vectors, p. 13-15.
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Hubert JP.Study on the Diversification of Farmers' Activities under Demographie and Land Pressure. The Case of Burundi, p. 17-23.
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Vincke PP., Sow PAA.Land Tenure Interests at Stake in Biodiversity Participative Management in the Niokolo Koba National Park Surrounding Region, Senegal (Text in French), p. 24-29.
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Technical notes

Gongyin Y., Cui H.Some Features of Silk-producing Moths, p. 30-33.
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Chifundera K.Amphibians as a Component of Sustainable Development, p. 34-34.
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Dehoux JP., Diaw M., Buldgen A.Observation of an Outbreak of Equine Trypanosomiasis due to Trypanosoma vivax in Urban Environment in Senegal (Text in French), p. 35-36.
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Pennington G.Harvesting "Grey Literature" for a Greener World, p. 37-37.
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p. 38-44.
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