
Open Access ISSN 0771-3312 eISSN 2295-8010

1989 vol. 7 no 3

Complete issue (PDF)

De Maeseneer J.Fish farming in tropical and subtropical regions (Text in Dutch), p. 85-86.
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Original articles

Decuypere E., Van Isterdael J., Hermans A., Michels H.Effect of antibiotic supplementation on growth performances in chickens in Zaire comparison with effects in temperate areas (Text in French), p. 87-89.
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Mallouhi N.Study of the dynamic of organic matter (O.M.) in saline soil (Text in French), p. 90-97.
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Van den Berghe C., Theeten D., Totognon J.Comparative responses of two maize varieties to fertilizers on a newly cleared ferralitic soil in Southern Benin Physical analysis, p. 98-102.
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Technical notes

Farina L.Milk yield and kid's growth rate of local goats in Burundi during the first weeks after birth (Text in French), p. 103-108.
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Demey F.The duck industry in China, p. 109-109.
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Reizer C.Researches and training in Hydrobiology Fisheries Aquaculture in Mali (Text in French), p. 110-120.
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p. 121-124.
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