
Open Access ISSN 0771-3312 eISSN 2295-8010

1989 vol. 7 no 1

Complete issue (PDF)

Grosjean PT.Rural development and private entreprises in Zaire, p. 1-2.
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Original articles

Van Ranst E., Boukong A.Contribution to the reconnaissance of the favourable zones for Robusta coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre) cultivation in South-Cameroon (Text in French), p. 3-9.
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Mahin L., Laghmami F., Sadouk EM.A zootechnical and economical study on fattening of Santa Gertrudis steers under Moroccan conditions (Text in French), p. 10-16.
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Schalbroeck JJ., Baragengana R.A contribution to the study of mineral fertilization of wheat in the Mugamba region (Burundi) (Text in French), p. 17-23.
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Technical notes

Baudoux C.The milk production and its destination in the Masisi zone - North-Kivu Zaire (Text in French), p. 25-30.
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Facchin E., Gallazzi D., Gaspari D., Parigi-Bini R.Training in rabbit husbandry in Mozambique, p. 31-35.
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Van Gompel F., Van den Ende J., Clerinx J., Taelman H.Prevention and treatment of malaria (Text in French), p. 36-40.
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p. 41-44.
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