
Open Access ISSN 0771-3312 eISSN 2295-8010

1988 vol. 6 no 1

Complete issue (PDF)

Vercruysse J.Nutrition, parasitism and developmental aid (Text in Dutch), p. 1-2.
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Original articles

Mughanda M., Micha JC.Preliminary considerations on distribution and changes in fishable ichtyomass in the ecological areas of lake Ihema (Akagera middle, Foodplain, Rwanda) (Text in French), p. 3-12.
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Marchot P., Girard S.The "Moubraika" a primary hypophosphorosis (Text in French), p. 13-15.
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Pussemier L., Sirjacobs M., Gérard M., Goore bi Gole G., Diallo O., Ayache A., Aboulama S.Chemical control trials against Phytophthora capsici (Leon) on pepper cultivations in Morocco, p. 16-20.
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Barcelo P. M.Production and utilization of earthworms as feeds for broilers in the Philippines, p. 21-24.
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Technical notes

Van Damme PLJ.The woodfuel and forestry situation in Togo as experienced in the "Region des Savanes", p. 25-30.
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Mertens A.The island of Guimaras in the Philippines : A brief agro-economic survey, p. 31-36.
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Abodou Ake N.Rehabilitation of an old palm-tree plantation in Ivory Coas, p. 37-40.
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Neuray G.Hydroponics on waste water in Thlrd World's service, p. 41-42.
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p. 43-44.
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