
Open Access ISSN 0771-3312 eISSN 2295-8010

1984 vol. 2 no 1

Complete issue (PDF)

Demol J.For a better agricultural research in the developing countries (Text in French), p. 1-2.
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Original articles

Hammami M., Verlodt H., Ennabli N., Riou C.Water consumption of a tomato crop under polyethylene greenhouse in Tunisia (Text in French), p. 3-9.
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Buldgen A., Compère R.Village herds characteristics of Djakore cattle type in Eastern Senegal (Text in French), p. 10-15.
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Bitijula M., Lumpungu K., Mukole M.Effects of tillage and no-tillage with nitrogen nutrition on maize yield, (var Shaba I) (Text in French), p. 16-18.
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De Maeseneer J.The culture of Tilapia species in tropical and subtropical conditions, p. 19-25.
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Wouters J.Considerations in agricultural research with special reference to the use of fertilizers under tropical conditions (Text in French), p. 26-28.
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Serneels F.The development of dairy cooperatives in India (Text in French), p. 29-33.
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Hardouin J.Original education in agronomical sciences at three levels in Cameroon (Text in French), p. 34-35.
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p. 36-38.
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p. 39-39.
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p. 40-40.
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