
Open Access ISSN 0771-3312 eISSN 2295-8010

2008 vol. 26 no 3

Complete issue (PDF)

Original articles

Makumbelo E., Lukoki L., Sj. Paulus JJ., Luyindula N.Valorisation Strategy of Resources Species of the Not Ligneous Products of Savanna of the Vicinity of Kinshasa: II. Ethnobotany Investigation (Medecinals Aspects) (Text in French), p. 129-134.
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Ndoye-Ndir K., Samb PI., Chevallier MH.Genetic Variability Analysis of the Polyploid Complex of Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. Using RAPD Markers, p. 135-140.
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Dramé Yayé A., Berti F.Issues around Village Agroforestry in Aguié (Niger) (Text in French), p. 141-149.
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Nguemo Dongock D., Tchoumboue J., Pinta JY., Zango P.Pollen Characteristics of Melliferous Plants of the Soudano Guinean Western Highlands of Cameroon (Text in French), p. 150-154.
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Dafem R., Ngoula F., Teguia A., Kenfack A., Tchoumboue J.Reproductive and Growth Performances of African Giant Snail Archachatina marginata in Captivity in Cameroon (Text in French), p. 155-158.
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Enete AA., Achike AI.Cash Income Diversification in Rural Small Holder Cassava Producing Households of Nigeria, p. 159-163.
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Njankoua Wandji DND., Nyemeck Binam J., Muluh G.Environmental Resources Management in the Soudanian Savanah Area of Northern Cameroon: Assessment of Alternatives Using a "modèle de normes minimales de sécurité" (Text in French), p. 164-168.
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Koussémon M., Traoré SG., Koffi-Nevry R., Ouffoue SK., Kamenan A.Study of the Microbiological Quality of a Tropical Species of Crab: Callinectes amnicola (Text in French), p. 169-172.
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Soro S., Doumbouya M., Koné D.Potentiel Infectious of Soils Fields of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) in Greenhouse and the Age Incidence Facing Pythium sp. on the Plants at Songon-Dabou in Ivory Coast (Text in French), p. 173-178.
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Mpoame M., Komtangi MC., Djitie Kouatcho F.Evaluation of the Efficiency of Ethanolic Extracts of Papaw Seeds (Carica papaya L.) against Ascaridia galli Ascaridiasis in Broiler Chicken (Text in French), p. 179-181.
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Doudech N., Mhamdi M., Bettaieb T., Denden M.Salt Tolerance of Graminaceous Turfgrass: Paspalum notatum Flüggé (Text in French), p. 182-185.
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Houngbo NE., Sinsin B., Floquet A.Chronic Poverty and Transient Poverty in the Adja Plateau in Benin: Characteristics and Influence on the Practice of Land Conservation Agricultural Techniques (Text in French), p. 186-189.
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DGD's activities

p. 190-192.
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