
Open Access ISSN 0771-3312 eISSN 2295-8010

1993 vol. 11 no 3

Complete issue (PDF)

Bonte-Friedheim C.The Future of Agricultural Research, p. 85-86.
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Original articles

Fontem DA.Survey of tomato diseases in Cameroon, p. 87-90.
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Assogba F., Ehouinsou M.Assolement maraichage/heliciculture au Sud Benin, p. 91-94.
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Zongo D., CoulibalyGlandless cottonseed meal an important source of protein for swine production, p. 95-98.
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Guobadia E.Analysis of the cost and return to management of small scale cassava production in the humid zone of Nigeria, p. 99-101.
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Technical notes

Van Aken D., Vercruysse J.The Belgian Veterinary Project at the College of Veterinary Medicine of the University of the Philippines at Los Banos, p. 103-106.
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Agbédé G., Nkenfou J., Mpoame M.Preliminary studies on the utilization of Kalanchoe crenata (Crassulacea) in the prophylaxis and treatment of avian coccidiosis (Text in French), p. 107-109.
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de Laulanié H.Madagascan intensive rice production system (Text in French), p. 110-114.
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Hossain M.Credit for aileviation of rural poverty : The Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, p. 115-121.
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Audroing M.Rural flour mills. farmer promotion tool m the Sahel area, p. 122-124.
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Vorsters A.The assisted germination (Text in French), p. 125-125.
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p. 127-128.
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